Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do you want a Boy or Girl? 7 tactics

This was online, in regards to what to do if you want a boy or girl:

1) to have a girl u have sex a day or 2 befor u ovulate. for a boy u have sex when u are actually ovulating. male sperms swim faster so if u are ovulating chances are the male sperm will get to egg first. female sperm live longer than males so if u have sex b4 u ovulate when the egg gets there the only sperm left are females.

I suspect that's all that needs to be said.
But, I'll make an attempt at thouroughness.

Ovulation prediction kits are a very popular method of detecting ovulation. Ovulation prediction kits are necessary if you are trying to get pregnant with a boy because they help you find the exact time you are ovulating. The use of ovulation predictor kits is recommended by medical practitioners. How do ovulation kit works?Ovulation prediction kits work by detecting a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), that happens 12 to 48 hours prior to ovulation. How to use ovulation predictor kits to conceive a boy?Test with your ovulation predictor kit twice a day so that you can know precisely when you are about to ovulate: preferably once between 11 am and 3 pm and then again between 5 pm and 10 pm. You need to wait until about 12 hours after your body has released LH as detected with ovulation prediction kit to have intercourse in order to conceive a boy.

I say, To be a good dad, discuss what sex the two of you want, and your plans for either, both, or none. You can then decide what, if any, of the steps in this post you might want to take in furtherance of your creating a child of a preferred sex. Personally, I don't care.

2) woman's diet
boy: salty food, meat, fish, white flour, pasta, fresh fruit, certain vegetables-
girl: milk, yoghurt, cheese, nuts, chocolate, shellfish, wholemeal bread

"In a nutshell, to conceive a boy you should consume foods high in sodium and potassium, and minimize the intake of calcium and magnesium!A caffeinated drink taken by the man right before sex, makes the boy-producing Y sperm more active!"

3) doggy-style sex for boy, she says

4) woman comes first (changes vagina's natural acidity to increase sperm-friendlier alkalinity)

5) high-sperm count (M sperm (XY) are less strong: wear boxers and loose trousers)

6)Plus, there's this Chinese birth chart, which someone said was 93% accurate, based on the date and your age(s?); chart! "Look up the month the baby was conceived, or the month you’re planning to conceive, and cross it with your age at the time of conceiving! Letters “B” and “G” stand for “boy” and “girl” respectively. Bear in mind that no scientific study ever proved that Chinese birth gender chart is accurate. Nevertheless, it wasn’t proved that it’s inaccurate either! Those who do believe in Chinese conception chart, claim that it is 93% accurate! How they got that exact number, I don’t know! You can try this method just for fun, and if the chart’s prediction is correct you will find out nine months later anyway."

So, that's 6 things. Happy conceiving!

Okay, okay, there's one more:
7) Astrologically, "boys are more likely if the moon is in · Aries· Gemini· Leo· Libra· Sagittarius· Aquarius". I don't know if this is a scientifically accurate measurement, or just a "they say."

As an aside: boy vs. girl isn't such a cut and dry thing, it seems.
Here's a quote from a FOX article about the IAAF verifying the gender of a South African runner:

"He said the "extremely complex, difficult" test has been started but that the results were not expected for weeks. The verification test requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender."

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