Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Developing Smarts

The article source I got this from called it "So you want to raise an Einstein":

1. Talk to babies. At eye level. Vary your tone. Let them watch your lips.
2. Say real stuff, not just musically monosyllabic nonsense words.
3. Read to babies -- books, yes, but also print in the environment: traffic signs, product labels, whatever.
4. Provide variety: toys of many textures, colors and shapes; toys with moving parts; toys that squeak, sing and make noises.
5. Let babies focus. Give them just one or two toys at a time.
6. Forestall boredom. Switch toys when the baby starts to lose interest.
7. Back off: Sometimes a baby just wants to zone out.
8. Interact. Wave a finger for them to track. Make sounds from various surprising locations so they’ll turn to look for you. (There's a reason every culture has a version of the peek-a-boo game.)
9. Put interesting toys just out of a baby's reach. Pediatricians say it motivates babies to reach and move and grasp. I say, it's never too early to learn there's no free lunch.
10. Take DHA. Really.

DHA is one of the omega-3 essential fatty acids. It comes from cold-water fish oil and makes kids smarter. If nursing mothers take it, the baby will get it in his or her milk.

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